Guides and Tips for The Sims Freeplay game - now available for iOS, Android OS for free.

Guides and Tips for The Sims Freeplay game - now available for iOS, Android OS for free.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sims FreePlay: Carnival Update Review!

Hello there, Rachel's here and I'm back for the review of the latest update for Sims FreePlay: Carnival Update.

First, I think the update is just visually beautiful! That's the power of technology. So I give the visualization a 10/10.

Second, I think the work you need to pay to get everything unlocked in this update is OH MY GOD. New personality, means you have to start earning Entertainer Orbs from scratch, can't use orbs from other personalities. That's frustrating. I give a 2/10 for the work.

Third, work to master new hobbies, even more tired than the work to unlock everything. 1/10.

Fourth, no quest, not fun. 1/10.

Fifth, idea of using orbs to unlock things are incredibly not clever. Use Simoleons are way smarter and easier to get. 1/10.

------> Update sucks. Average: 10+2+1+1+1 = 15 divided to 5 = 3.  3/10.

According to the Rachel Chart, I score this update as Exploded In Microwave. Boo!

XO, Rachel E. Jenkins.

Sims FreePlay: Carnival Update - Everything Unlocked!

So! After a while working and gaining life orbs by create random Sims, work on the dreams and kill them off, I finally saved enough orbs to unlock everything in this update.

Visually, it is beautiful, but no quest so it's not challenging and fun. I have nothing left to do with this game until the next update.

Enjoy the gallery! Don't forget to check out the review for the update I wrote!