Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sims FreePlay: Life Dreams Update Reaction

Okay, so, i have heard about the new update which is coming this Thursday, March 13.

If you haven't heard about it, then.let me give you a quick summary.

The Life Dreams update is all about adding new contents to the game. If you are Level 24+ , you will receive a new batch of goal named " Life Dreams and Legacy" when the game is updated. Complete it, and you won't have to bake birthday cakes to age your Sims anymore because they will automatically age, a little bit each time they complete an action. When the time comes, they will be visited by the Grim Ripper and move on to afterlife, leave behind 10000 XP bonus or more. Also, personalities will be back with Sporty and Geek. You can unlock the Beach and Game Arcade, using Life Orbs, achieved by completing your Sims' dreams.

Okay, now, the reaction.

A week ago, when the game noticed me of an upcoming update, i rushed to the Facebook page and dig up some precious information. I was upset, happy and anxious at the same time. I was like "Oh hell to da no! My Sims will die? They will like, DIE? How? When? WHY? "

After a few minutes going Nicki Minaj crazy, i knocked some sense into myself and thought: Hey, that's life. I mean, The Sims game is life-simulating. We can't avoid death. And plus, if you played The Sims 3, you would feel this is normal, cause Sims in TS3 die way too easy.

So eventually i decided to be positive and think of the new features i could unlock. Beach? Game Arcade? YESSSS. Aging without a birthday cake? YESS!

I was anxious for a week now and i can't believe the update would be like, friggin' Thursday! I am as excited as Katy Perry stuck in Miley Cyrus' wrecking ball!

Okay, so that's the end of my short reaction and i hope y'all feel wat I feel, anxious and happy.

Xoxo, Rachel E. Jenkins with her husband Remi who is cooking breakfast for her (nice job sweetheart!! <3)

1 comment:

  1. Can u or do u know of anywhere I can go to add people with sewing machines? Im stuck on that goal
